Refactored 109: "The Fair Use Show"

Wherein it's a fire! (

published Aug 8, 2023
Show Notes

Refactored #109: “The Fair Use Show”

On this episode of Refactored…

  • Frank brings a new kind of return-to-office discussion: “bring in the nuance”
    • different people think differntly *gasp*
    • not everyone has the same preferences *audible confusion*
    • inexperienced employees have unique needs. Well… ok… maybe that’s actually a good point.
  • This just in: Chris is a tyrannical jerk.
  • Teams sucks, Microsoft sucks, Javascript sucks, Yankees suck.
  • The guys explore new hire ortientation programs — the good,the bad, and the off-the-top-of-their-head.
  • … and much more!

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