A casual, ongoing conversation between two technology leaders with Chris Tonkinson and Frank Koehl.
React.js, SCSS, Big-O, Kubernetes, TLS.
The guys have cut and run CAT5 through
plenum, built and racked servers, found
SQL Server performance bottlenecks, and
written a hell of a lot of good software.
From Enterprise to small business, the
guys have managed and built teams for
years; serial entrepreneurs with strong
cross-functional acumen and a knack for
translating between "geek" and "human."
Frank brings the energetic snark. Chris
brings the cranky optimism. Together,
they can barely get through a single show
without devolving into petty ad-hominem
attacks and, often, childish sound effects.
Wherein Frank owns Roblox and Chris hates SMS spam.
Wherein Frank's setup fails and Chris ponders jewel theivery.
Wherein Frank dreams of Israeli space lasers and Chris ponders flat earth trolls.
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