Episodes tagged #tooling
Wherein Frank's setup fails and Chris ponders jewel theivery.
Wherein Frank upgrades his Potato while Chris can quit Factorio any time he wants. Really.
career gaming hiring job-market open-source tooling workflow
Wherein Frank explains config management while Chris prepares to go postal.
Wherein Frank wants you to stick to your guns.
Wherein Chris is pro-dictator and Frank is pro-losing.
Wherein Franks eyes bleed while Chris has people breathe into his mouth.
configuration infrastructure-as-code planning project-management tech-debt tooling
Wherein Chris hates Postgres and Frank gets a new aura.
Wherein noone actually pair programs, bruh
communication education professional-development security tooling workflow
Wherein Chris admits to war crime and Frank is a science denier.
Wherein the guys are dumber than their employees.
artificial-intelligence communication security tooling workflow
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