Episodes tagged #workflow
Wherein the guys think wheelwrights are making a comeback!
automation career cloud code devops microsoft-sucks school tooling workflow
Wherein Frank goes full Enya and Chris can't build a single boat.
algorithm artificial-intelligence breach gaming law security workflow
Wherein Frank owns Roblox and Chris hates SMS spam.
artificial-intelligence business-strategy database gaming gear startups workflow
Wherein Frank upgrades his Potato while Chris can quit Factorio any time he wants. Really.
career gaming hiring job-market open-source tooling workflow
Wherein David Spader fights Sam Altman.
artificial-intelligence business-model funding math methodology workflow
Wherein noone actually pair programs, bruh
communication education professional-development security tooling workflow
Wherein Chris failed Geometry.
Wherein Chris admits to war crime and Frank is a science denier.
Wherein the guys are dumber than their employees.
artificial-intelligence communication security tooling workflow
Wherein the guys bootstnrap their bootstraps.
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