Refactored 114: "Inmates Running the Asylum"

Wherein the guys are dumber than their employees.

published Sep 19, 2023
Show Notes

Refactored #114: “Inmates Running the Asylum”

On this episode of Refactored…

  • Can/should everyone learn from how GitLab handles their handbook]?
  • Chris admires “project bootstrap” moments (GitLab hosting GitLab, GCC compiling GCC, etc.)
  • IDEs… are they all they’re cracked up to be? Chris and Frank debate.
  • Cursor looks pretty cool. It’s VS Code, but now with 100% more LLM!
  • Could ChatGPT build an entire Facebook app? The guys debate.
  • Who even knows what the hell the term “cyber” means, anyway…
  • A very special Refactored shout-out to NIST SP 800-63B § courtesy of Chris' unending spite:
    • “Verifiers SHOULD NOT require memorized secrets to be changed arbitrarily (e.g., periodically).”
  • Frank posits that all of infosec just comes down to logs. Plain old logs.
  • … and much more!

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