Wherein the guys think wheelwrights are making a comeback!
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Wherein Chris gives 0.1% and Frank goes full boomer desktop.
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Wherein Frank goes full Enya and Chris can't build a single boat.
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Wherein Frank owns Roblox and Chris hates SMS spam.
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Wherein Frank's setup fails and Chris ponders jewel theivery.
Wherein Frank dreams of Israeli space lasers and Chris ponders flat earth trolls.
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Wherein Chris spreads cookies while Frank spreads fake news.
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Wherein Frank goes fishing for analogies and Chris tangles the lines.
Wherein Frank upgrades his Potato while Chris can quit Factorio any time he wants. Really.
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Wherein Chris is a chatty Cathy with OpenAI, and Frank buils a patio to avoid his kids.
Wherein Frank bans water and Chris missed the black Nazi thing.
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Wherein Frank fumes while Chris gatekeeps.
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Wherein Frank's Google search fails and Chris blmaes the French.
Wherein Frank explains config management while Chris prepares to go postal.
Wherein Frank wants you to stick to your guns.
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