Wherein Chris takes a break and Frank has a better advent calendar.
Wherein the guys defend HCL.... or do they?
Wherein the guys TOTALLY own a bunch of BRK-A...
Wherein Chris buys baking soda and Frank can't have PIP.
Wherein noone actually pair programs, bruh
Communication Education Professional-Development Security Tooling Workflow
Wherein verily I say unto you, yaks will be shaved.
Wherein Chris failed Geometry.
Wherein the guys design by committee.
Business-Strategy Licenses Project-Management Security Ui-Ux
Wherein Chris admits to war crime and Frank is a science denier.
Wherein the guys are dumber than their employees.
Artificial-Intelligence Communication Security Tooling Workflow
Wherein the guys get litigious.
Business-Strategy Configuration Infrastructure-as-Code Licenses
Wherein everyone everywhere revolts simultaneously.
Wherein the guys bootstnrap their bootstraps.
Wherein Franks wants his flying car already, dang it!
Wherein it's a fire! (...sale)
Communication Javascript-Sucks Management Microsoft-Sucks Remote-Work Teams-Sucks Work-Life-Balance
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