Episodes tagged #Design
Wherein Chris buys baking soda and Frank can't have PIP.
Wherein Franks wants his flying car already, dang it!
Wherein Communism sucks, but at least we got chicken.
Wherein all your secrets are belong to unknown threat actors.
Communication Design Gear Product-Design Security Social-Media
Wherein Frank is basically a cheap Star Fox knockoff and Chris burns his foot cooking bacon.
Wherein the guys nerd fight, but agree on spaces over tabs and vim over emacs.
Wherein Frank was a BOFH and Chris has a great thesaurus.
Wherein Chris and Frank design scheme after plot to bilk unwitting consumers for millions. Oh wait, that was Amazon.
Wherein Chris accidentally invokes Ted Bundy while Frank gets hammered.
Design Gear Linux Product-Design Remote Tooling Ui-Ux Workflow
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