Episodes tagged #Leadership
Wherein the guys plot to overthrow HR after talking about hip thrustage.
Communication Culture Leadership Performance Project-Management Tooling
Wherein Frank will go nuts for doughnuts and Chris looks like Darth Vader.
Wherein Chris is a perv and Frank grovels for work.
Branding Career Education Feedback Leadership News Security Startups
Wherein Frank backs metroidvania games and Chris hates Candyland.
Gaming Gear Leadership Mental-Health Psychology Woodworking Work-Life-Balance
Wherein the guys clumsily talk past each other like two drunken ships in the night.
Career Culture Hiring Leadership Pay-and-Benefits Remote Tooling
Wherein Chris enables Franks' soundboard habit shortly after the two discuss boulderology.
Business-Strategy Culture Leadership Merger-and-Acquisition Product-Design Tooling
Wherein Frank can't remember the word for liking words, but is super eager to fire everyone.
Communication Culture Leadership Management Myers-Briggs-Sucks Video-Recommendation Woodworking
Wherein things were Not Invented Here, and Frank is Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
Wherein the show is introduced.
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